Dear parents and carers,
Please find enclosed a copy of the recent Ofsted school inspection report which provides the school with an overall judgement of ‘Requires Improvement’. Whilst we are disappointed at this overall rating, feedback from the inspection team indicated that the school was close to being judged ‘Good’ overall and that the inspection team have recognised the recent rapid improvement of the school. The capacity to lead school improvement is evident and leaders are praised for prioritising improvements in behaviour and safeguarding. This inspection has come at a point when we have made excellent progress in the areas we have rightly prioritised and are now very much focussed on developing our curriculum for all children. We are very pleased that there are ‘Good’ judgements in: Behaviour and Attitudes, Personal Development, and in the Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception Class). This judgement is consistent with our own analysis of the school as of 24th and 25th January 2023 and reflects the challenges the school has faced since the previous inspection in 2017.
Notable positive comments in the inspection report include, ‘Pupils feel happy and safe. Parents share this view’, ’Pupils say that bullying does not happen’ and the report references ‘improved expectations for pupil behaviour.’ We have worked hard over the last year to ensure this is the case, and to make sure ‘safeguarding arrangements are effective.’
The report highlights a number of things the school does well:
• ‘Recent leaders have prioritised improving the behaviour of pupils and safeguarding.’
• ‘Leaders have designed an effective curriculum for English, maths and science.’
• ‘Reading is at the heart of the school’s curriculum.’
• ‘Children in early years get off to a strong start.’
• ‘Pupils’ personal development is carefully planned. The school provides high quality pastoral support.’
The report identifies three curricular areas for the school to focus on:
1. The teaching and assessment of some pupils’ early reading, including those with SEND
2. In some subjects, we need to ensure our curriculum is sufficiently ambitious and well sequenced
3. Assessment needs to be more effective in identifying what pupils know and can do in the foundation subjects
We have already identified the wider curriculum for development and this has been an ongoing priority for the school. These areas are at the heart of our current plans. We have a motivated, capable and experienced team who are committed to delivering our ambitious curricular plans and we are confident our school will be judged to be at least ‘Good’ at its next inspection.
We are pleased that so much of what we do has been judged as being ‘Good’. The progress we have made in a relatively short time is down to clear leadership, taking responsibility for change, hard work and commitment. We will now be working as hard as ever to bring the areas identified up to the same standard.
Finally, we would like to thank you, the school community, for your very positive feedback to the school inspection team and to us as school leaders. It was clear from both the online responses and verbal feedback that you have much confidence in the school and in the leadership team to make the necessary improvements. Your continued support is greatly appreciated, thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Kurt Doyle - Head Teacher* & Helen Morris - Chair of Governors
* Mr Doyle was the Acting Head Teacher of Holy Trinity at the time of the school inspection. The Governing Body subsequently ran a full recruitment process and Mr Doyle was appointed as the substantive Head Teacher in March 2023.